Voices – Annual Conference 2023

The 2023 Annual Conference of CAPAS in collaboration with the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile took place in Santiago de Chile at the end of March. Under the topic ‘Ruptures: Approaches from/about Latin America’ the conference sought to address ‘rupture’ as a way of conceiving radical forms of discontinuity and their potentialities. Addressing real and imagined systemic change in the context of pressing social, political and ecological challenges, the contributions investigated the immense diversity of ruptures in time and space in order to assess and act upon the radical transformative effects they provoke. 

The video captures the main issues addressed at the conference. It contains interviews with the keynote speakers and more participants from various disciplines:

•    Alejandra Bottinelli Wolleter, Literary Studies, CAPAS Fellow 2021-22, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Chile
•    Sergio Rojas, Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Chile
•    Natalia López, History, Cultural Studies, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
•    Gastón Gordillo, Anthropology, University of British Colombia, Canada
•    Bruna Della Torre, Sociology, CAPAS fellow 2022-23, State University of Campinas, Brazil
•    Eduardo Russo, Social Psychology, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina

To produce a multifocal perspective on ruptures, we asked them: When can we talk about ruptures and how can they be identified? How and where are ruptures experienced and represented? How can the temporality of rupture be conceptualized? How do historical traumas and crises (conquest, slavery, dictatorships, others) affect Latin American peoples’ vision of the past and the future? What role do American cultural heterogeneity and the non-Western epistemes present in the Americas play in the diverse imagination of ends and possible worlds? How does an apocalyptic rupture contribute to the (transformative) creation of worlds? 

Join the journey of exploring answers and shaping transformative narratives!

Voices - 2023 CAPAS Annual Conference

Link to YouTube