Apocalypse now, then, when? Online Lecture Series 2021

The Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at the University of Heidelberg (CAPAS) announces with great pleasure the start of a new lecture series. The CAPAS lecture series undertakes the task of exploring imaginaries and experiences of apocalypses and post-apocalypses from an interdisciplinary perspective.

With this format, the research at CAPAS is made accessible to members of Heidelberg University and the interested public. We cordially invite you to engage in our interdisciplinary discussions. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the lectures will be held digitally:

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Tuesdays 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM

11.5. “Apocalyptic Ghosts in the ‘Desert’: Las Cautivas (The Captives) of Esteban Echeverría (1805- 1851) and César Aira (*1949)”

(Robert Folger, Heidelberg University)

25.5. “Imagining the End of the World from the Periphery of the World: Latin American Fictions from the Confines.” (Alejandra Bottinelli, University of Chile)

8.6. “Clashing Epistemologies of the Future? Risk, Resilience, Apocalypse” (Nina Boy, University of Warwick)

22.6. “Ethics for the End of the World”  (Thomas Lynch, University of Chichester)

6.7. “Apocalyptic Sensibilities and Post-Apocalyptic Futurism: Navigating the War-Climate Continuum” (Dena Al-Adeeb, University of California, Davis)

20.7. “Ruins of a Post-Apocalyptic Present”  (Thomas Meier, Heidelberg University)

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