International Symposium Precarious Water Futures and the End(s) of World(s)
- Date in the past
- Wednesday, 13. November 2024, 18:00
- Location: Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, India International Centre, New Delhi (India)
The symposium is organized by the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS), Heidelberg University, Germany, in collaboration with the M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP), New Delhi, India, the School of Environmental Sciences (SES), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, the Rachel Carson Center (RCC), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and the South Asia Institute (SAI), Heidelberg University, Germany.
Location: Multipurpose Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, India International Centre, New Delhi (India)
Event Type
Einzelevent: Akademisches Event (Vortrag, Podiumsdiskussion, ggf eintägiger Workshop)