CAPAS CAPAS Lecture Series 2022-23

Lecture Series (Post-) Apocalyptic Scenarios

(Post-) Apocalyptic Scenarios

The Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at the University of Heidelberg (CAPAS) announces with great pleasure the start of the lecture series in the winter semester. The CAPAS lecture series undertakes the task of exploring imaginaries and experiences of apocalypses and post-apocalypses from an interdisciplinary perspective.

With this format, the research at CAPAS is made accessible to members of Heidelberg University and the interested public. We cordially invite you to engage in our interdisciplinary discussions.

The lectures will be held Tuesdays 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm at HS 14, Neue Universität, Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg (the respective current pandemic regulations apply). The lectures will be streamed digitally as well.


8.11. “Artificial Intelligence and the (Post-)Apocalyptic Imaginary” 

Teresa Heffernan (Saint Mary’s University & CAPAS Fellow) 


⚠️ This talk had to be cancelled. We will inform you here at a later time if it will be rescheduled.  

15.11. “The Child and the Biodome: Vitalism in Radical Climate Fiction” 

Florian Mussgnug (University College London & CAPAS Fellow)


22.11.  “The Crusades and Apocalyptic Thought in the Middle Ages” 

Simon John (Swansea University & CAPAS Fellow)


29.11. “Meteorite Impacts and the End of the World” 

Duane Hamacher (University of Melbourne & CAPAS Fellow)


6.12. “Between Dystopia and Utopia: The Eschatological Ambiguity of Silicon Valley Longtermism” 

Elke Schwarz (Queen Mary University London & CAPAS Fellow)


13.12. “Messianism and Apocalypse. The Sertão-Myth and the Literary and Cinematic Construction(s) of Brazilian History” 

Christian Wehr (University of Würzburg & CAPAS Fellow)


10.1. “Post-Apocalyptic Imaginaries in UK and US Television, 1970s to Present Day” 

Christine Cornea (University of East Anglia & CAPAS Fellow)


17.1. "World Financial Void” 

Amin Samman (City University of London & CAPAS Fellow)


24.1. “Mesoamerican Apocalypse: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Study the Epidemics of Early Colonial Mexico” 

Patricia Murrieta-Flores (Lancaster University & CAPAS Fellow)


31.1. “A Political History of Bunker Planet: Doomsday Prepping as Consumer Culture” 

Robert Kirsch (Arizona State University & CAPAS Fellow)


7.02. “Beyond the Bunker: Colonizing Space, Building Offworlds

Emily Ray (Sonoma State University & CAPAS Fellow)

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