Lecture Series 2023

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Apocalyptic Space and Time. CAPAS Lecture Series 2023

The Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at the University of Heidelberg (CAPAS) announces with great pleasure the start of the lecture series in the summer semester. The CAPAS Lecture Series undertakes the task of exploring imaginaries and experiences of apocalyptic space and time from an interdisciplinary perspective.

With this format, the research at CAPAS is made accessible to members of Heidelberg University and the interested public. We cordially invite you to engage in our interdisciplinary discussions.

The lectures will be held at HS 14, Neue Universität, Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg (the respective current pandemic regulations apply). The lectures will be streamed digitally as well.

Tuesdays 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm



2.5. “Indigenous Eco-Apocalypticism: The Falling Sky by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert”

Monika Kaup (University of Washington) 

YouTube Stream


9.5. “The Child and the Biodome: Vitalism in Radical Climate Fiction”

Florian Mussgnug (University College London & CAPAS Affiliated Researcher) 

 YouTube Stream


16.5. “Drawing a Line in the Sand: Bioengineering as Conservation in the Face of Extinction Debt”

Josh Wodak (Western Sydney University)

 YouTube Stream


23.5. “Geopolitics of Apocalypse. Mapping the End of History”

Paolo Vignolo (National University of Colombia & CAPAS Fellow)

 YouTube Stream


30.5. “Destroyer of Worlds? Satellites, Salvation, and Damnation”

Mia Bennett (University of Washington & CAPAS Fellow)

 YouTube Stream


6.6. “Aberfan: Purgatorio”

Brad Evans (University of Bath & CAPAS Fellow)

 YouTube Stream


13.6. "Applied Apocalypse: Practical Approaches to Allow Your Society to Survive the End-Times”

Florian Ulrich Jehn (Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters)

 YouTube Stream


20.6. “Apocalyptic Cosmic Threats and our Post-Apocalyptic Future in Space”

Richard Wilman (University of Durham & CAPAS Fellow)

 YouTube Stream


27.6. “Time Beyond Time: Revelatory Worlds - Imagining the Eschaton in Object, Image and Word, 1919-1933”

Juliet Simpson (Coventry University & CAPAS Fellow)

 YouTube Stream


=== no lecture on 4.7. ===


11.7. “The Valley of the Wolf (Devon, England): Devastating and Reimagining Somewhere Ordinary

Sam Turner (Newcastle University)

 YouTube Stream


18.7.  “A Contemporary Buddhist Response to the Climate Catastrophe”

Rolf Scheuermann (CAPAS, Heidelberg University)

 YouTube Stream


25.7. “What Apocalypse Can Do for You: A European Perspective on the End of Worlds

Thomas Meier (CAPAS, Heidelberg University)

 YouTube Stream

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