Staša Babić obtained her Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, at the University of Belgrade. She has held all teaching positions (assistant lecturer, assistant professor, associate, and full professorship) at said department. She has participated in several research projects funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, as well as TEPUS program projects. Babić has held research grants from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Greece, the British Council, and the World University Service. Her Selected publications include:


  • Metaarheologija: Ogled o uslovima znanja o prošlosti (Metaarchaeology: Essay on the conditions of knowledge about the past), (Beograd: Klio, 2018).
  • Theory in Archaeology, International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol. 1, Oxford: Elsevier, 899 – 904 (2015).
  • False Analogy: Transfer of Theories and Methods in Archaeology (The Case of Serbia) (co-author A. Palavestra), European Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 316 – 334 (2016).
  • What is ‘European Archaeology’? What should it be? (co-authors:  R. Karl, M. Milosavljević, K. Mizoguchi, C. Paludan-Müller, T. Murray, J. Robb, N. Schlanger, A. Vanzetti) European Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 4 – 35 (2017).
  • The Status of Archaeological Knowledge in the Study of Status: Notes on Classical Greece, Status, Consumption, and Sustainability: Ecological and Anthropological Perspectives, C. Isenhour, P. Roscoe (eds). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, publication due in 2021).

Materiality of Everyday Practices in Times of Crisis

Over the last couple of decades, the emergence of the strategies of archaeology of the present has opened up the possibility for the discipline to address these issues, indicative not only of the mundane routine of our daily lives, but of the entire social, political, cultural fabric of the present. At times of collapse, the tensions apparent in the pre-crisis order of things becomes much more pronounced and the solutions for overcoming them, more often than not, are again sought for in the realm of everyday practices and interactions with the world that are not mediated through language. Addressing the materialized expressions of such practices may identify the possible paths for the future. These theoretical considerations may be tested on a number of concrete topics pertaining to life amidst the pandemic.