Fellowships at CAPAS Fellowships at CAPAS
CAPAS Fellows are the core of the Centre's academic research. CAPAS awards about ten fellowships each year to international researchers from a variety of academic disciplines, for the conduct of collaborative research projects on theoretical and practical dimensions of the end of the world and what comes after. The time at CAPAS offers each Fellow a unique opportunity to engage in free, transdisciplinary discussions outside the day-to-day commitments of academia.
The Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) is a Centre for Advanced Studies at Heidelberg University. The fellows conduct research relating to our three research areas (A) the apocalyptic and postapocalyptic imaginary (ideas, images, discourses), (B) historical events that were perceived or framed as (post-)apocalyptic experiences, and (C) current, empirically observable developments that could bring about the end of the world as we know it and its aftermath scenarios. CAPAS will be dedicated to innovative research relevant to society at large, particularly in areas beyond traditional academic boundaries.

About the Fellowship
Fellows will be provided with office space, including work facilities, and logistic support. Fellows who take unpaid leave during their fellowship will receive financial compensation in form of a stipend (approx. 3.500 to 8.000 EUR). Alternatively, the centre pays for a teaching replacement at the fellow’s home institution. Financial support is capped by the regulation of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Accommodation at the University Guesthouses is available, but limited, and shall be paid for from the stipend or the regular salary.