Apocalyptic Cinema 2021-22

Apocalyptic Cinema

In the winter semester we were able to win the Karlstorkino Heidelberg and the DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum on the occasion of their current special exhibition 

Catastrophe. What comes after the end?

 for the cooperation and continuation of our the film series Apocalyptic Cinema. Following the films, invited scholars will reflect on end-time narrative of the respective film either in German or English and afterwards we invite the audience to join the discussion in German and English.


🎬  29.11., 7pm: Hell – Tim Fehlbaum, 2011 (German original with English subtitles)
89 min. FSK: 16 
Scientific Commentary: Robert Folger (CAPAS) & Olaf Bubenzer (Institute of Geography Heidelberg) 

🎬  15.12., 7pm: On the Beach – Stanley Kramer, 1959 (English OV)
134 min. FSK: 16
Scientific Commentary: Stefanie Plappert (Curator of the current exhibition Catastrophe. What comes after the end? at DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum Frankfurt)
Podcast // Filmreihe zur Ausstellung KATASTROPHE: ON THE BEACH - DFF.FILM

🎬  17.01., 7pm: The Day After Tomorrow – Roland Emmerich, 2004 (English original with German subtitles)  118 min. FSK: 12
Scientific Commentary: Thomas Meier (CAPAS) & Thomas Hickler (Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre) 

🎬  07.02., 7pm: The Cassandra Crossing – George Pan Cosmatos, 1976 (English original with German subtitles)
129 min. FSK: 16
Scientific Commentary: Daniel Winkler (Romanisches Seminar Heidelberg) 

🎬  21.02., 7pm: The Road – John Hillcoat, 2009 (English original with German subtitles)
119 min. FSK: 16
Scientific Commentary: Wenzel Mehnert (Universität der Künste Berlin) 

Medienforum Heidelberg e.V., Am Karlstor 1, 69117 Heidelberg


Der Eintrittspreis beträgt jeweils 3€.

Ticket Lottery

Attention students, pupils and apprentices: We are giving away 3x tickets with free admission for each event. To enter the drawing, send an e-mail with your name and preferred date by the following dates to: 

For the films on 11/29 and 12/15, send the e-mail by 11am (MET) on Thursday, 11/25/21.
For the films on 01/17, 02/07 and 02/21, send the e-mail by Thursday, 01/13/22, 11am (MET).

IMPORTANT: Please understand that we will not be sending confirmation e-mails on your participation in the drawings. The lucky ones will be notified on 11/25 and 01/13 in the afternoon. 

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