CAPAS offers two mailing lists with current news: the newsletter “Apocalypse Monthly” as well as the magazine “Apocalypse Quarterly”.

Newsletter “Apocalypse Monthly” 

This monthly newsletter contains regular announcements for CAPAS talks, events, publications and calls for participation as well as information on other relevant publications, events and calls from the field. Also, the magazine “Apocalypse Quarterly” will be sent to this list.

Magazine “Apocalypse Quarterly”

The magazine introduces CAPAS, the team, and the fellows, informs you about our activities and events and provides insights into different scientific perspectives on apocalypses, publications, and popular culture depictions of (post-)apocalypses. In addition to the four magazine-mailings per year, very few selected major announcements (e.g. for our annual CAPAS conference or our annual Distinguished Lecture) are sent through this mailing list. You can also choose to read the “Apocalypse Quarterly” online.