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Affiliated Researcher PHILIPP SCHRÖGEL

Former Role: Research Area Coordinator / Science Communication (2021 – 2024)


Heidelberg University

Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies | CAPAS

Berliner Straße 43
69120 Heidelberg
Email: philipp.schroegel@capas.uni-heidelberg.de


APOCALYPSE WHERE? Graphic narratives of overlooked end-time perspectives

Comic Seminar at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle together with Markus Färber

The world is coming to an end - for many, epic scenes from Hollywood blockbusters might be the first thing that comes to mind: spectacular explosions, meteorites hurtling towards the earth or zombie hordes in the streets of American cities. Currently, the increasingly visible effects of the climate crisis, the renewed awareness of the threat of a global nuclear war or the fear of new pandemics - to name just a few examples - make the fictional expectation of an apocalypse present as a very real expectation and experience.

At the same time, the absolute, spectacular, global perspective shaped not least by the fictional depictions makes it easy to lose sight of the fact that many people are already living in the midst of an apocalypse or post-apocalypse. While the climate crises are only gradually becoming more directly tangible for us, people in the Global South in particular have long been threatened with the destruction of their existence. While many discuss futures from a position of relative prosperity, indigenous communities have long since been robbed of this future. Even beyond the namesake Christian apocalypticism, there are ideas of doom and revelation in many religions and cultures, often with completely different ideas of time. In addition to the open question of the invilved scale and the relevant geographical dimension of the end of the world, it can also be anchored in individuals. And: is the end of the world exclusively about humans?

A joint seminar at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle with Markus Färber and Prof. Georg Barber explores these questions in a creative-artistic approach. It aims to reveal and reflect on the overlooked apocalypses: which and whose perspectives are barely present? Which aspects of the end of the world are hardly in focus? How can apocalypse be thought of differently?

Over the course of the semester, the researchers and students will also look at the medium of non-fiction and science comics in terms of their potential for communicating complex content and develop comic narratives based on discussions with experts and our own research. How does the medium of comics enable us to shed light on complex topics both objectively and subjectively? What is the relationship between facts and emotion? How can the interplay of image and text add value to the experience?

As a result of the seminar, the students will create a set of graphic stories which will also be printed as an edited comic collection. 

Curriculum Vitae

Philipp Schrögel received a Diploma in physics from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a specialization in radiation and medical physics. Subsequently he went to Harvard University as a McCloy scholar of the National German Merit Foundation. He received a Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government with a specialization in science and technology policy.

From June 2011 to September 2014, he worked as a consultant for citizen participation, science and technology communication and foresight for IFOK GmbH. His major projects during that time were the Citizen Dialogue on Future Technologies / Topics for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the stakeholder dialogue on the mobility and fuel strategy for the German federal government and the forum for technology journalism. Since September 2014 he works as a freelance consultant and science communicator.

Between 2012 and 2016 he had different teaching assignments at Central Institute for Applied Ethics and Science Communication at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. From February 2016 to March 2021, he worked as researcher at the Department for Science Communication at the Institute for Technology Futures at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and was teaching in the BA and MA programmes “Science – Media – Communications”. His major projects were Science In Presentations (reception studies on forms of science presentations), Science For All (marginalized and excluded audiences in science communication and evaluation of inclusive/accessible pilot projects). He was responsible for several projects implementing and evaluation innovative forms of science communication: “And what are you doing?” (science communication in rural areas), Ocean Shop Window (video installations and public talks in empty shop locations) and “Back to the Future of Work” (workshops and a documentary film comparing historic and contemporary perspectives on the future of work).

He is organizing and moderation the Science Slam Karlsruhe and was a member of the 2019 class of the Open Science Fellowship by Wikimedia Germany, Stifterverband and Volkswagen Foundation.

From April 2021 to March 2024, he served as research area coordinator and is responsible for science communication at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS).

Research and Practical Interests

Science communication especially as dialogue and participation, citizen science, creative forms of science communication, art and science, science comics, science gaming / serious gaming, science street art. His overall focus in all areas lies on the questions of reception and effects beyond knowledge transfer, accessibility especially through edutainment approaches and the reached audiences, diversity and exclusion.

Teaching and Supervision of Theses

Philipp Schrögel is continuing to supervise student theses in the BA programme “Science – Media – Communications” at KIT. If you are interested in one of the proposed topics or have suggestions for a own proposal (preferably at the intersection of (post-) apocalypses and science communication) please send an email.

Available topics – More Details on each topic are available in this pdf (German)

  • Apocalyptic framing in science communication / crisis communication, e.g. comparing Covid-19 and climate change
  • Comparing the threat through the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, e.g. in a popular cartoon
  • Science communication, apocalypse and popular culture

Memberships and Activities

  • #FactoryWisskomm – BMBF strategy process and multi-stakeholder dialogue on the future of science communication (Co-Speaker of the working group on science communication and participation)
  • Siggener Kreis (Siggen Circle), think tank on reflecting and advancing science communication
  • Expert circle Make Your School

Talks and Workshops

  • Workshop „Navigating the Infodemic - Wissenschaftskommunikation heute“ von Schader-Stiftung und ISOE (März 2021)
  • Winter School des Fellow-Programms Freies Wissen (Februar 2021)

Publications – Peer-reviewed articles and book contributions


  • Schrögel, P. (2020). Showcasing Science and Facilitating Interaction. Science slams for museums. In: Black, G. (Hg.). Museums and the Challenge of Change: Old Institutions in a New World. Routledge. S. 249-253.
  • Kaul, L., Schrögel, P. & Humm, C. (2020). Environmental Science Communication for a Young Audience: A Case Study on the #EarthOvershootDay Campaign on YouTube . Frontiers in Communication. 5:601177. 


  • Humm, C., & Schrögel, P. (2020). Science for All? Practical Recommendations on Reaching Underserved Audiences. Frontiers in Communication, 5(42), 1–13. 


  • Niemann, P.; Bittner, L.; Hauser, C. & Schrögel, P. (eds.) (2020) Science-Slam – Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine populäre Form der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • Humm, C., Schrögel, P., & Leßmöllmann. (2020). Feeling left out: Underserved audiences in science communication. Media and Communication, 8(1), 164–176. 


  • Niemann, P., Bittner, L., Schrögel, P., & Hauser, C. (2020) Science slams as edutainment: A reception study. Media and Communication, 8(1), 177-190. 



  • Schrögel, Philipp & Humm, Christian (2019) Science communication, advising, and advocacy in public debates. in: M. Dascal, Annette Leßmöllmann,Thomas Gloning (eds.). Science Communication. Berlin/New York, p 478 – 506.
  • Niemann, Philipp; Bittner, Laura; Hauser, Christiane; Schrögel, Philipp (2019) Forms of science presentations in public settings. In: M. Dascal, Annette Leßmöllmann,Thomas Gloning (eds.). Science Communication. Berlin/New York, p. 507 – 536.
  • Schrögel, Philipp & Kolleck, Alma (2019) The Many Faces of Participation in Science. Science & Technology Studies 32(2), S. 77-99 


  • Schrögel, Philipp & Weitze, Marc-Denis (2018) Comics als visueller Zugang zum transdisziplinären Diskurs über Technikzukünfte. In: Knowledge in Action, S. 21-48. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.


  • Bessert-Nettelbeck, Mathilde & Schrögel, Philipp (2017) Talking about science and technology... with comics! SciArt 26.
  • Niemann, Philipp; Schrögel, Philipp; Hauser, Christiane (2017) Präsentationsformen der externen Wissenschaftskommunikation: Ein Vorschlag zur Typologisierung, in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik (ZfAL), Band 67, Nummer 1, S. 81–113.
  • Schrögel, Philipp & Weitze, Dr. Marc-Denis (2017) Frühzeitige Bürgerbeteiligung mit Science Cafés und Comic Workshops. In: Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung #2, Jörg Sommer (Hrsg.). Berlin. 

2016 and earlier

  • Eggert, Ralf & Schrögel, Philipp (2015) Bürgerbeteiligung in der Praxis: Erfolgsfaktoren und Beispiele. In: Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung, Jörg Sommer (Hrsg.),  Deutsche Umweltstiftung, Berlin.
  • Schrögel, Philipp & Weitze, M.D (2014) Wissenschaftskommunikationswissenschaft als Chefsache bei der National Academy of Sciences der USA. Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis“ (TATuP). Heft 1, 2014.
  • Martin, Andre & Schrögel, Philipp (2012) Bürgerdialog ‘Hightech-Medizin – Welche Gesundheit wollen wir?' In: Dieter Fauth (Hrsg.). Anfang und Ende des individuellen menschlichen Lebens. Schriftenreihe der Freien Akademie. Band 32. Verlag Angelika Lenz. Neu-Isenburg.
  • Schrögel, Philipp (2012) Die Causa zu Guttenberg und die öffentliche Wahrnehmung wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung. Zeitschrift für Politikberatung. Heft 1. 2012. 

Publications – Project reports and discussion papers


  • Adler, Jona; Humm, Christian & Schrögel, Philipp (2020). 1) Wissenschaftskommunikation für und in marginalisierten Stadtteilen: Forschungsrallye für Groß und Klein in Spandau, Falkenhagener Feld. Wissenschaft für alle: Erfahrungsberichte zu den durchgeführten Pilotformaten. 


  • Adler, Jona; Humm, Christian & Schrögel, Philipp (2020). 2) Wissenschaftskommunikation für und mit Berufsschüler*innen: Science-Pub-Quiz “Handwerk trifft Wissenschaft” in Karlsruhe. Wissenschaft für alle: Erfahrungsberichte zu den durchgeführten Pilotformaten. 


  • Adler, Jona; Humm, Christian & Schrögel, Philipp (2020). 3) Wissenschaftskommunikation für und mit muslimischen Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund: Science & Poetry Slam in Berlin Neukölln. Wissenschaft für alle: Erfahrungsberichte zu den durchgeführten Pilotformaten. 


  • Schrögel, Philipp, Humm, Christian, Adler, Jona, & Färber, Markus. (2020). Wen erreicht Wissenschaftskommunikation nicht?. Zenodo. 


  • Schrögel, Philipp; Rühland, Svenja;  Fischer, Caroline;  Göbel, Claudia;  Heimstädt, Maximilian; Humm, Christian; Rösener, Ringo;  Rössig, Wiebke;  Röwert, Ronny; Siegers, Markus; Thieleis, Ines. (2020). Von Offener Wissenschaft zu Zugänglicher Wissenschaft ⁄ Diskussionspapier. 




  • Wissenschaft für alle: Zwischenbericht, Mai 2018: Nicht erreichte Zielgruppen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Literatur-Review zu Exklusionsfaktoren und Analyse von Fallbeispielen.


  • Schrögel, Philipp/ Niemann, Philipp/ Bittner, Laura/ Hauser, Christiane (2017): Präsentationen in der externen Wissenschaftskommunikation: Formen & Charakteristika, in: Science In Presentations Arbeitsberichte, #3, November 2017.
  • Hauser, Christiane / Jätzold, Leilah / Niemann, Philipp / Raabe, Kristin / Schrögel, Philipp (2017): Das interaktive Poster aus Sicht der Präsentierenden – Auswertung von Leitfadeninterviews, in: Science In Presentations Arbeitsberichte, #2, Februar 2017.

2016 and earlier

  • Niemann, Philipp / Hauser, Christiane / Schrögel, Philipp (2016): Präsentationen am „Interactive Scientific Poster” – Befragungsergebnisse im Rahmen einer Rezeptionsstudie, in: Science In Presentations Arbeitsberichte, #1, September 2016.

Publications – Blogs und further publication


  • Schrögel, Philipp; Hillerbrand, Rafaela. (2020). #FürDasWissen – #FürDieWerte. Blogposte für die Jubiläumskampagne #DFG2020. 
  • Heck, Tamara; Schrögel, Philipp. (2020). Open Science, aber richtig! Was wir aus der „Heinsberg-Studie“ lernen können. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de
  • Schrögel, Philipp; Weiß, André; Weber, Maria; Staudt, Clarissa. (2020). Wie Corona die Museumslandschaft digitalisiert. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de


  • Ambühl, Hannah; Schrögel, Philipp. (2019). Mehr Öffentlichkeit in der Wissenschaft wagen. ProClim FLASH - Schweizer Zeitschrift für Klima und Globalen Wandel. Nr. 71. S.4-5.
  • Schrögel, Philipp; Humm, Christian; Rauscher, Susanne. (2019). Wissenschaft für alle?! Zehn Erkenntnisse zur Ansprache neuer Zielgruppen. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de
  • Barnbeck, Johanna; Schrögel, Philipp. (2019) Gleichberechtigt ist das neue Normal. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de


  • Humm, Christian; Schrögel, Philipp. (2018) Wissenschaft für alle?! Das sagt die Forschung. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de


  • Schrögel, Philipp. (2017). Wissenschaftscomics – Was sagt die Forschung? Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de
  • Mischitz, Veronika; Schrögel, Philipp; Grüber, Maren. (2017). Unser Wissenschaftscomic – mit Fakten und Fantasie in Richtung Zukunft. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de
  • Schrögel, Philipp; Spatschek, Chris. (2017). Schaufenster Ozean. Blogpost auf wissenschaftskommunikation.de

2016 and earlier

  • Zetzsche, Indre; Banthien, Henning & Schrögel, Philipp (2013) Vom Zentrum in die Peripherie und zurück. Annäherungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Europa-Newsletter Nr. 9 des Bundesnetzwerkes Bürgerschaftliches Engagement.
  • Eggert, Ralf; Spieker, Arne & Schrögel, Philipp (2013) Netzausbau und Bürgerbeteiligung – Eine Betrachtung aus der Dialogpraxis. ew – Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft. 10/2013.
  • K. Bimesdörfer, M. Richwien, P. Schrögel & D. Zahrnt (2012) Werkzeugkasten Dialog und Beteiligung. Ein Leitfaden zur Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung. Dialog schafft Zukunft – Fortschritt durch Akzeptanz, Geschäftsstelle des Landes NRW im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Industrie, Mittelstand und Handwerk, Düsseldorf.
  • Eggert, Ralf; Spieker, Arne & Schrögel, Philipp (2012) Dialogrezepte gegen Misstrauen: Wie man durch Beteiligung die Legitimität verkehrspolitischer Entscheidungen stärkt. Perspektive Mobilität – Herausforderungen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: DVWG-Jahresband 2011/2012.