Worlds Ending - Ending Worlds?

Annual CAPAS Conference, 28 – 30 April 2022
Thursday, 28 April 2022
9 – 10 AM Opening Address / Key Questions (Robert Folger, Felicitas Loest, Thomas Meier)
10 – 12 AM Conceptualizing the End of the World (Panel Chair: Felicitas Loest)
Tommy Lynch (University of Chichester): A Political Theology of the World that Ends (virtual presentation)
Lucas Pohl (Humboldt University of Berlin): The Courage of Worldlessness: Fragments of an Apocalyptic Materialism
Patrick Ebert (Heidelberg University): The End of the World as the World to Come
Rasmus Nagel (Heidelberg University): Desacralizing the End: Slavoj Žižek’s ‘Apocalypse Without Eschatology’
2 – 3 PM South Asian Narratives of Apocalypse (Panel Chair: Rolf Scheuermann)
Jaideep Unudurti (Graphic Novelist/Journalist, India): Pralaya: Competing Apocalypses in Contemporary Indian Science-Fiction
Richard Weiss (Victoria University of Wellington): Hindu Narratives of Apocalypse in Colonial South Asia
3:30 – 5 PM Worlds Ending - Ending Worlds from Latin American Perspectives (Panel Chair: Theresa Meerwarth)
Michael Schulz (University of Bonn): The Reception of the Christian Apocalypse in the So-Called Books of the Chilam Balam
Alejandra Bottinelli (Universidad de Chile): After the End, the Worlds: Contemporary Restitutions of Peoples in the Southern South (virtual presentation)
Natalia López (University of Bonn): Before, during and after the Catastrophe: Apocalyptic Urban Affectivities in Recent Latin American Literature (virtual presentation)
6 PM
Distinguished Lecture (Public Event)
Nicole Deitelhoff (Executive Director, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt): The Day After: Ukraine and the Future of European Security, HS/Lecture Hall 13, Neue Universität, Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg.
Friday, 29 April 2022
10:30 – 12 AM End-Time Politics (Panel Chair: Jenny Stümer)
Marlon Barbehön (Heidelberg University): Governing the End of the World: Temporalities, Subjects and Power/Knowledge-Configurations in Late-Modern End Time Imaginaries
Yogi Hale Hendlin (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Circular Time, Linear Time, and Indigenous Alternatives to the Chaos of Industrialization (virtual presentation)
Matthew Avery Sutton (Washington State University): Donald Trump, the Apocalypse, and the Role of Religion in Modern American Politics
2 – 3:30 PM Apocalypse and Affect (Panel Chair: Michael Dunn)
Julia Grillmayr (University of Vienna): Man without World at the End of the World
Christine Hentschel (Hamburg University): Stretches of Imagination at the End of Times: Becoming 'Enemies of the Apocalypse'
Léna Silberzahn (Sciences Po Center for Political Research and Cresppa LabTop, Paris): Feeling and Fighting in the Breakdown: Two Faces of Fear
4 – 5:30 PM Maps of Revelation. The Spatial Dimension of Apocalypses and its Aftermath (XVth-XVIIth centuries) (Panel Chair: Paolo Vignolo)
Chet Van Duzer (UCLA): Mapping the Apocalypse in the Late Fifteenth Century: Huntington HM 83 and Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 442 Helmst. (virtual presentation)
Paolo Vignolo (National University of Colombia): Apocalyptic Imaginaries in Three Early Modern World-Maps: Juan de la Cosa, Pierre Eskrich and Guaman Poma
Patricia Zalamea (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá): Mapping Apocalyptic Space in Latin American Colonial Representations
Saturday, 30 April 2022
10 – 12:00 AM Narrating the (Post-)Apocalypse (Panel Chair: Hauke Riesch)
Rebecca Käpernick (University of Oldenburg): Representations of Parenthood and Childrearing in Post-Apocalyptic 21st Century Literature
Jan Knobloch (University of Cologne): Beyond Post-Apocalypse: New Readings of Argentinean Anticipatory Fiction
Ewa A. Łukaszyk (resigned from Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the University of Warsaw in 2018): Borderless Territories, Time of Expectation: The Worlding of Post-apocalyptic Religion in Boualem Sansal's 2084; La Fin du Monde
Kristina Radomirović Maček (University of Ljubljana): Apocalyptic Narratives and Notions in Yugoslavia’s Popular Culture during the Disintegration Crisis
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM The Apocalypse as Transformation or Conversion? (Panel Chair: Eva Bergdolt)
Andrew Crome (Manchester Metropolitan University): 'Intimately Connected in Prophecy': Nineteenth-Century Prophecies of the Conversion of the Jews and the Ends of Anti-Protestant Worlds
James Crossley (MF Oslo and Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements): Remembering John Ball: Rethinking the Transformation from Old Worlds to New
Daniil Pleshak (University of Tübingen): The Ideology of The Twelve Dreams of Shahainsha in the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
3:00 – 4:30 PM After the Apocalypse (Panel Chair: Philipp Schroegel)
Alastair Lockhart (Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements and University of Cambridge): A New Concept of World Ending after Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Christian B. Long (University of Queensland): Infrastructure After the Apocalypse (virtual presentation)
Jiajun Dale Wen (Visiting Fellow at Karl Jasper Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies at Heidelberg University): Corona and Climate: Can We really Follow the Science While Dealing with Crisis? – A Cross Cultural Study
5:00 – 7:00 PM Re-Imagining the End of the World (Panel Chair: Christopher Coenen)
Chelsea Haith (University of Oxford): Acts of Resistance: Writing the Apocalypse (virtual presentation)
Isabella Hermann (Science-Fiction Researcher): Anti-dystopia as a Way to Escape Dystopian and (Anti)Utopian Visions of the Future
Wenzel Mehnert (Austrian Institute of Technology): Re-Imagined Aftermath
Dan Holloway (Oxford University): The Wheelchair and the Whale: Disability and the End of the World (virtual presentation)
Venue: except where expressly stated otherwise, all events will take place at the Marsilius KollegHeidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1, 69120 Heidelberg.