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Fellow 2024/2025 Verita Sriratana

Verita Sriratana is Associate Professor of Literary Studies at the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Her research intersects gender studies, necropolitics, epistemic violence, postcolonial studies, and modernist literature.  She has held the Slovak National Scholarship and and served as a Visiting Research Fellow in Human Rights (Regional Asia Pacific Programme) at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in Lund, Sweden.



Verita Sriratana holds an MA with Distinction in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature in English from the University of Warwick and a PhD in English from the University of St Andrews.

In 2015, she published her first book, Particular Modernity/Modernism: Locating Modernist Moments in Czech and Slovak Literature. Recognized for her significant contributions to promoting Czech culture in Thailand, she was awarded the Gratias Agit Award in 2019 by the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Sriratana’s recent scholarly works include a chapter titled I Burn (Marx’s) Paris: 'Capital' Cities, Alienation & Deconstruction in the Works of Bruno Jasieński in the 2023 book Temporalities of Modernism, and The Land of Smiles, Nazi Chic and Communist Cool: Personality Cult and ‘Democide & Holocaust Indifference’ in Thailand, published in 2022 as part of the proceedings from the First International Symposium on Identifying and Countering Holocaust Distortion.

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