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Research Project Heather H. Yeung The Poetology of the (Modern) Apocalypse

This project contributes to the understanding of the ways in which analeptic and proleptic figurations of the apocalypse and post-apocalypse take form in innovative poetic works through investigating the formal principles and material poetics of the apocalypse in and after modernity in the corpora of suite of highly interdisciplinary, transcultural, poetic practitioners writing between 1910 and 2010. The poetological provides a novel method through which to engage with the imaginary and real, vocalic and visual, representations of apocalypse, and in attending to the afformative mode in poetic works, the project makes a substantial contribution to studies of the literature of the apocalypse, and histories of the cultural representation of the apocalypse, as the first to engage directly with the formal, material, attributes of the poetic writing of apocalypse in/after modernity.

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