The previous issues of the “Apocalypse Quarterly” are available as pdf downloads. For some of the longer articles, only abbreviated teasers have been included in the magazine pdf itself. The full versions of these longer texts are available as individual articles on the website via the “read more” link at the end of the respective articles in the pdf file. Please note: not all magazine content is available as separate webpages.

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Together with the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, CAPAS proudly presents the exhibition Imagining the End of Time: Stories of Annihilation, Apocalypse, and Extinction. We introduce you to the first edited collection published by CAPAS, „Worlds Ending. Ending Worlds: Understanding Apocalyptic Transformation“, which features a range of cutting-edge thinkers dealing with the apocalypse today. And as always, we wish to give you a glimpse into the many activities of CAPAS, such as our participation in the International Film Festival about Ageing and Old Age, this year’s cooperation of CAPAS’ Apocalyptic Cinema with the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg.
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Floods, heat waves, species extinction – the manifestations of the climate crisis are omnipresent. Grief is one of the obvious emotional responses to these catastrophes. Researcher Silvia Vittonatto, who presented her work at the CAPAS symposium “Languages of the Anthropocene” in Rome, asks whether grief helps or hinders us in coping with the climate crisis. Her article “Through Mourning to Change” guides us into the fall issue of our Apocalyptic Quarterly. Further articles address a series of workshops and academic events as well as several science communication activities. And of course we introduce more of our fellows of the summer.
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“Ruptures: Approaches from/about Latin America” was the theme of this year’s Annual Conference from CAPAS. The conference addressed “rupture” as a way of conceiving radical forms of discontinuity. The keynote speakers Gastón Gordillo address the fear of climate catastrophe in his article, other articles cover the phenomenon of prepping and various CAPAS activities.
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This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
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The year comes to and end – bringing with it our last Apocalypse Quarterly and a variety of topics. Guest author AlexanderKenneth Nagel calls for a new Apocalypse Competence to receive and deconstruct the ever increasing number of apocalyptic scenarios in a critical way. We introduce several of our new CAPAS fellows, and are proud to share a selection of publications and talks by our researchers, including feminism and apocalypse by Jenny Stümer, and Extinction Rebellion Buddhists by Rolf Scheuermann. (...)
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In this issue, we are pleased to introduce the new CAPAS journal Apocalyptica, the first issue of which has just been published. The journal offers its own way of thinking and writing about the apocalypse. Its goal is to confront our many catastrophes head on and with open eyes, so that we can create encounters of thinking and writing that flourish in the face of the end. After all, the apocalyptic word is a call for creativity, community, and change. It is an invitation to begin, in the words of Aimé Césaire, “the only thing worth beginning: the end of the world, of course”. Other topics in this issue include the collaboration of art and science at the Metropolink Festival near Heidelberg in this summer, the introduction (Part 1) of the CAPAS Scientific Advisory Board, and several reports on workshops and congresses organized by or attended by CAPAS members, such as the K3 Climate Communication Congress in Zurich, which discussed the question of how much apocalypse there can be in climate communication.

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One of the central concerns of CAPAS is to make research accessible to a broader public and to engage in an open and reciprocal discussion. This is part of our broader understanding of the role of science in society. (...) In this issue, we will highlight some of our outreach activities: In late June, for example, CAPAS co-organized the Cyberpunk-Symposium in Karlsruhe. This summer we will be participating in a series of activities with METROPOLINK Festival in Heidelberg and of course we are again presenting apocalyptic films with scientific commentaries in our regular APOCALYPTIC CINEMA series.
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War is raging in Europe. Several million people are on the run and there is no end in sight to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Did you ever believe it could happen?” Ukrainian researcher Ganna Krapivnyk from the Kharkiv State Pedagogical University asks in her essay. In January, one month before the war started, she participated in the first CAPAS Network Meeting. Here and now, however, she recounts for CAPAS she recounts for CAPAS how she experienced the first weeks of the war in Kharkiv in the northeast of the country.
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We live in a time where we face the threat of not just one, but a myriad of catastrophes. The world as we know it seems to be coming to an end. This apocalyptic aspect can be found in several articles of the second issue of the CAPAS Newsletter. It was also mentioned in the lecture of the famous philosopher Slavoj Žižek on the occasion of the official inauguration of CAPAS, who discussed the conglomeration of catastrophes and how they uncover, in a true revelatory manner, the/an apocalypse.
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We are happy to present to you the first newsletter for our newly established Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS), an advanced research centre, at Heidelberg University. Our newsletter series will successively introduce CAPAS, the team, and the fellows, inform you about our activities and events and provide insights into different scientific perspectives on apocalypses, publications, and popular culture depictions of apocalypses.
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