Apocalyptic Cinema is an event series that features regular film screenings, blending cinematic experiences with academic insights. In the summer, the series transforms into an open-air event on the campus of the Mathematikon, in partnership with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Heidelberg University. During the winter semester, screenings are held in collaboration with the municipal Karlstorkino cinema. What sets this film series apart is its integration of short expert lectures with each screening. These lectures, delivered by specialists from various disciplines, are followed by engaging discussions with the audience, offering a platform to explore the diverse interpretations of the films' end-time scenarios.

The series offers a unique opportunity to make complex scientific concepts accessible. Through storytelling, character engagement, and exploration of possible actions, participants gain a distinctive perspective on the challenges posed by apocalyptic themes.

Additionally, the multifaceted nature of film as an art form allows for the inclusion of unique formats tailored to specific audiences, such as those with a passion for silent films. The collaborations extend to international film festivals, including the International Film Festival Mannheim Heidelberg and the Festival of Generations in Uruguay and Mexico.